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Birth Card Reading

Tarot & Numerology Reading

  • 30 minutes
  • 57 US dollars
  • Oakland, Ca

Service Description

A birth card reading is a combined tarot & numerology reading. It is somewhat similar to having your astrology chart read and reveals powerful information about the nature of your energy and the journey your soul is yearning to take. Understanding your birth cards can help you discover your innate gifts, make meaning of your hardships, find your purpose, and move in effortless alignment with the universe. We'll use the numerology in your birthday to determine your life path number, your psychic gift number, your destiny number, your ancestral energy code, and your current growth year. I can't wait to share this information and I look forward to reading for you! This information is invaluable and has helped countless clients move out of doubt and into alignment. If you're struggling to find your purpose in life, a birth card reading will most certainly help you find the answers you've been seeking.

Cancellation Policy

I understand things do come up, but please provide as much notice as possible if you need to cancel. You must cancel within 24 hours to receive a refund.

Contact Details

Piedmont Avenue, Oakland, CA, USA

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